
Prayer 5.30

God of eternity,

I do not fear you. Apparently, I am supposed to.  What could be the point? I don't feel like it would do any good, I don't feel like you would want me to, and I think it is better if I don't.

What good is it to fear you? Fearing an immutable god is like fearing an immovable mountain. You are that you are.

Do you really want me to fear you? If my daughter ever came to me on her knees and said "Daddy, I'm scared of you," I think I would crawl into a whole and bury myself. Could you possibly want me to fear you, Abba?

Isn't it better that I don't fear you? Wouldn't it be preferable to be a fearless father, a father beyond the realm of fear? That is the father that I want to be, and I'm sure you are better at this than me. Doesn't perfect love cast out fear?

Help me to be fearless, Father. And help me, Father, to fear less of you.

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