
Jeremiah 1.2 Introduction

Are you an exile?
Have you left your faith?
Perhaps, your faith has left you?

Everything your faith once was, it is no longer. At times, you have been convinced that your faith didn't exist at all.

Perhaps it was a slow cooling, or maybe it was like a rug being pulled out from beneath you, but somehow faith completely changed for you.

Some people just can't take the hypocrisy or are horrified by the behavior of believers. So, they leave. Others are chased away, banished, or ignored. Either way, they are exiles.

All the old battles are meaningless now. Things that once evoked great passion are now just more noise in the background of life. It is almost a relief not to pick one side or the other.

And yet, there is still something missing. It is hard to put a finger on what that something actually is.

A community?
An identity?

The old prayers still come to mind, unbidden. Ancient texts bubble to the surface in conversation. Songs from childhood are hummed or whistled. Cosmological questions from children bring forth startlingly honest answers.

Are you an exile? A faith refugee?

For, it is in exile that faith is changed, remade, and ultimately...

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